Structured output

It’s great to be able to ask questions in natural language, but we don’t want answers in natural language - we don’t want answers like ‘1.03 inches of rain fell on January 5th’, or ‘The rainfall on January 5th was 1.03 inches’, because we then have to parse those answers to use them in further processing. We just want the value - 1.03. We want specific, structured output.

A great virtue of Gemini is that it supports this, the API allows you to specify the output structure you want.

So we modify the code to define a data structure containing the exact output we want, and then we ask Gemini to populate that data structure from the image. We can then output the data structure as a JSON file, ready to use directly in our data processing pipeline.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

# Basic test of the Gemini API - get the station metadata as
#  structured output.

import os
import PIL.Image
import google.generativeai as genai
import typing_extensions as typing

# You will need an API key get it from

# I keep my API key in the .gemini_api file in my home directory.
with open("%s/.gemini_api" % os.getenv("HOME"), "r") as file:
    api_key =

# Default protocol is 'GRPC' - but that is blocked by the Office firewall.
#  Use 'REST' instead.
genai.configure(api_key=api_key, transport="rest")

# Specify a structure for the desired output
class MetaData(typing.TypedDict):
    Year: int
    StationNumber: int
    Location: str
    County: str
    Sea_level_height: int
    Gauge_diameter: int
    Gauge_height_feet: int
    Gauge_height_inches: int

# Load the sample image
img =

# Pick an AI to use - this one is the latest as of 2025-01-29
model = genai.GenerativeModel("gemini-2.0-flash-exp")

# Ask a question about the image
result = model.generate_content(
        "List the station metadata",
        response_mime_type="application/json", response_schema=MetaData
# Structured data as JSON
with open("metadata.json", "w") as file:
with open("rest.txt", "w") as file:

This script extracts the station metadata, and stores it as JSON

  "County": "DEVON",
  "Gauge_diameter": 5,
  "Gauge_height_feet": 1,
  "Gauge_height_inches": 3,
  "Sea_level_height": 550,
  "StationNumber": 1678,
  "Year": 1947

The data are all correct (compare the image), and are ready to be used in further processing.