Source code for IRData.twcr.fetch

# (C) British Crown Copyright 2017, Met Office
# This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

# Functions for getting data from NERSC.

from . import version_2c
from . import version_3
from . import observations
import datetime

[docs]def fetch(variable,dtime, height=None,level=None,ilevel=None, version='none',user='pbrohan'): """Get data for one variable, from the 20CR archive at NERSC. Data wil be stored locally in directory $SCRATCH/20CR, to be retrieved by :func:`load`. If the local file that would be produced already exists, this function does nothing. Args: variable (:obj:`str`): Variable to fetch (e.g. 'prmsl'). dtime (:obj:`datetime.datetime`): Date and time to get data for. height (:obj:`int`): Height above ground (m) for 3d variables. Only used in v3. Variable must be in 20CR output at that exact height (no interpolation). Defaults to None - appropriate for 2d variables. level (:obj:`int`): Pressure level (hPa) for 3d variables. Only used in v3. Variable must be in 20CR output at that exact pressure level (no interpolation). Defaults to None - appropriate for 2d variables. ilevel (:obj:`int`): Isentropic level (K) for 3d variables. Only used in v3. Variable must be in 20CR output at that exact pressure level (no interpolation). Defaults to None - appropriate for 2d variables. version (:obj:`str`): 20CR version to retrieve data for. user (:obj:`str`): NERSC userid to use in retrieval. Only needed for v3-preliminary data. Defaults to 'pbrohan'. This should be your NERSC username. Raises: StandardError: If version is not a supported value. | """ if variable=='observations': return observations.fetch_observations(dtime, version=version, user=user) if version=='2c': return version_2c.fetch(variable,dtime) if version in ('4.5.1','4.5.2','4.6.1'): return version_3.fetch(variable,dtime, height,level,ilevel, version,user=user) raise Exception("Unsupported version %s" % version)