
Known to work on with Python 3.6 on modern Linux and OS X systems. Not tested on anything else.

Relies on SciTools. So first install Iris and Cartopy

One environment variable must be set:

  • CARTOPY_USER_BACKGROUNDS (may be set during Cartopy installation) - the name of a directory to put plot background images in.

Also requires:

  • pandas: Python package providing high-performance, easy-to-use data structures and data analysis tools.
  • scikit.learn: Python package containing statistical modelliong and machine learning tools.
  • wget: To download background data.
  • unzip: To unpack the background data.
  • imagemagick convert. To make optimised backgrounds.

Then install the package from the source in

Finally, run the package setup script to produce the plot backgrounds:


You should then be able to reproduce the examples.