
This module is designed to make plots of mean-sea-level-pressure (mslp), but they are basically just contour plots, so the functions can be used for any (continuous) scalar variable (with appropriate specification of levels).

It takes a cartopy.mpl.geoaxes.GeoAxes to draw into, and an iris.cube.Cube (with ‘latitude’ and ‘longitude’ dimensions) of data to plot. Then it’s just:


Three different types of plot are supported:

  • ‘contour’ - straight contour plot of a single pressure field.
  • ‘spaghetti’ - spaghetti-contour plot of multiple pressure fields.
  • ‘spread’ - mean-contour plot with error bars derived from an ensemble of pressure fields.

See examples of use.

Meteorographica.pressure.make_label_hints(ax, CS)[source]

Make hints for the contour label placement algorithm - these stabilise the positions of the contour labels between frames in videos. They don’t eliminate the problem of jittery and flickering contour labels, but they do help.


iterable of (x,y) tuples - each a position hint for a label.

Meteorographica.pressure.plot(ax, pe, **kwargs)[source]

Plot pressure.

Generic function for plotting pressure. Use the ‘type’ argument to choose the plot style.

Keyword Arguments:

type (str) – Style to plot. Options are:’contour’ (default), which delegates plotting to plot_contour(), ‘spaghetti’, which delegates plotting to plot_spaghetti_contour(), ‘spread’, which delegates plotting to plot_mean_spread().

Other keyword arguments are passed to the style-specific plotting function.

Returns:See matplotlib.axes.Axes.contour() - Also adds the lines to the plot.

Meteorographica.pressure.plot_contour(ax, pe, **kwargs)[source]

Plots a variable as a contour plot.

This is the same as matplotlib.axes.Axes.contour(), except that it takes an iris.cube.Cube instead of an array of values, and its defaults are chosen for plots of mean-sea-level pressure.

Keyword Arguments:
  • label (bool) – Label contour lines? Defaults to False. If it’s ‘video’ use stablised label locations.
  • resolution (float) – What lat:lon resolution (in degrees) to interpolate to before plotting. Defaults to None - use original resolution.
  • scale (float) – This function is tuned for data in hPa. For data in Pa, set this to 0.01. Defaults to 1.
  • colors (see matplotlib.colors) –
  • linewidths (float) – Line width for contour lines. Defaults to 0.5.
  • alpha (float) – Colour alpha blend. Defaults to 1 (opaque).
  • fontsize (int) – Font size for contour labels. Defaults to 12.
  • zorder (float) – Standard matplotlib parameter determining which things are plotted on top (high zorder), and which underneath (low zorder), Defaults to 30.

See matplotlib.axes.Axes.contour() - also adds the lines to the plot.

Meteorographica.pressure.plot_mean_spread(ax, pe, **kwargs)[source]

Plots a variable as a contour plot.

Plots contours of the mean of an ensemble, mark uncertainty by fading out the contours where the ensemble spread is large.

Keyword Arguments:
  • ensemble_dimension (float) – name of the ensemble dimension. Defaults to ‘member’.
  • resolution (float) – What lat:lon resolution (in degrees) to interpolate to before plotting. Defaults to None - use original resolution.
  • colors (see matplotlib.colors) –
  • linewidths (float) – Line width for contour lines. Defaults to 0.2.
  • label (bool) – Label contour lines? Defaults to False.
  • cmap (matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap) – Mapping of to plot colour. Defaults to blackblack semi-transparent.
  • threshold (float) – Ranges shown are regions where the probability that a contour line passes through the region is greater than this. Defaults to 0.05 (5%).
  • vmax (float) – Show as ‘most likely’, regions where the prob of a contour is greater than this Defaults to 0.4 (40%).
  • line_threshold (float) – Only draw contours where the local standard deviation is less than this. Defaults to None - draw contours everywhere.
  • alpha (float) – Colour alpha blend. Defaults to 1 (opaque).
  • fontsize (int) – Font size for contour labels. Defaults to 12.
  • zorder (float) – Standard matplotlib parameter determining which things are plotted on top (high zorder), and which underneath (low zorder), Defaults to 40.
  • label – Label contour lines? Defaults to True.

See matplotlib.axes.Axes.contour() - also adds the lines to the plot.

Meteorographica.pressure.plot_spaghetti_contour(ax, pe, **kwargs)[source]

Plots a multi-contour (spaghetti) plot.

Calls plot_pressure_contour() multiple times with sensible defaults colurs and styles

Keyword Arguments:
  • ensemble_dimension (float) – name of the ensemble dimension. Defaults to ‘member’.
  • colors (see matplotlib.colors) –
  • linewidths (float) – Line width for contour lines. Defaults to 0.2.
  • label (bool) – Label contour lines? Defaults to False.

:keyword Other keyword arguments are passed to plot_pressure_contour():

Returns:See matplotlib.axes.Axes.contour() - except it’s an array, one for each member. Also adds the lines to the plot.