Source code for Meteorographica.pressure.plot

# (C) British Crown Copyright 2017, Met Office
# This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

import numpy
import iris
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.colors
import scipy

import Meteorographica.utils as utils

# Plot a single field as a standard contour plot
[docs]def plot_contour(ax,pe,**kwargs): """Plots a variable as a contour plot. This is the same as :meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.contour`, except that it takes an :class:`iris.cube.Cube` instead of an array of values, and its defaults are chosen for plots of mean-sea-level pressure. Args: ax (:obj:`cartopy.mpl.geoaxes.GeoAxes`): Axes on which to draw. pe (:obj:`iris.cube.Cube`): Variable to plot - must have dimensions 'latitude' and 'longitude'. Keyword Args: label (:obj:`bool`): Label contour lines? Defaults to False. If it's 'video' use stablised label locations. resolution (:obj:`float`): What lat:lon resolution (in degrees) to interpolate to before plotting. Defaults to None - use original resolution. scale (:obj:`float`): This function is tuned for data in hPa. For data in Pa, set this to 0.01. Defaults to 1. colors (see :mod:`matplotlib.colors`) contour line colour. Defaults to 'black'. linewidths (:obj:`float`): Line width for contour lines. Defaults to 0.5. alpha (:obj:`float`): Colour alpha blend. Defaults to 1 (opaque). fontsize (:obj:`int`): Font size for contour labels. Defaults to 12. zorder (:obj:`float`): Standard matplotlib parameter determining which things are plotted on top (high zorder), and which underneath (low zorder), Defaults to 30. Returns: See :meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.contour` - also adds the lines to the plot. | """ kwargs.setdefault('raw' ,False) kwargs.setdefault('label' ,True) kwargs.setdefault('resolution' ,None) kwargs.setdefault('scale' ,1.0) kwargs.setdefault('colors' ,'black') kwargs.setdefault('alpha' ,1.0) kwargs.setdefault('linewidths' ,0.5) kwargs.setdefault('fontsize' ,12) kwargs.setdefault('levels' ,numpy.arange(870,1050,10)) kwargs.setdefault('zorder' ,30) if kwargs.get('resolution') is None: contour_p=pe else: plot_cube=utils.dummy_cube(ax,kwargs.get('resolution')) contour_p = pe.regrid(plot_cube,iris.analysis.Linear())*kwargs.get('scale') lats = contour_p.coord('latitude').points lons = contour_p.coord('longitude').points lons,lats = numpy.meshgrid(lons,lats) CS=ax.contour(lons, lats,, colors=kwargs.get('colors'), linewidths=kwargs.get('linewidths'), alpha=kwargs.get('alpha'), levels=kwargs.get('levels'), zorder=kwargs.get('zorder')) # Label the contours if kwargs.get('label')=='video': cl=ax.clabel(CS, inline=1, fontsize=kwargs.get('fontsize'), manual=make_label_hints(ax,CS), fmt='%d',zorder=kwargs.get('zorder')) elif kwargs.get('label'): cl=ax.clabel(CS, inline=1, fontsize=kwargs.get('fontsize'), fmt='%d',zorder=kwargs.get('zorder')) return CS
# Plot a set of fields as a spaghetti plot
[docs]def plot_spaghetti_contour(ax,pe,**kwargs): """Plots a multi-contour (spaghetti) plot. Calls :meth:`plot_pressure_contour` multiple times with sensible defaults colurs and styles Args: ax (:obj:`cartopy.mpl.geoaxes.GeoAxes`): Axes on which to draw. pe (:obj:`iris.cube.Cube`): Variable to plot.- must have dimensions <ensemble_dimension>, 'latitude' and 'longitude'. Keyword Args: ensemble_dimension (:obj:`float`): name of the ensemble dimension. Defaults to 'member'. colors (see :mod:`matplotlib.colors`) contour line colour. Defaults to 'blue'. linewidths (:obj:`float`): Line width for contour lines. Defaults to 0.2. label (:obj:`bool`): Label contour lines? Defaults to False. Other keyword arguments are passed to :meth:`plot_pressure_contour` Returns: See :meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.contour` - except it's an array, one for each member. Also adds the lines to the plot. | """ kwargs.setdefault('ensemble_dimension','member') kwargs.setdefault('colors' ,'blue') kwargs.setdefault('linewidths' ,0.1) kwargs.setdefault('label' ,False) CS=[] for m in pe.coord(kwargs.get('ensemble_dimension')).points: pe_e=pe.extract(iris.Constraint(member=m)) CS.append(plot_contour(ax,pe_e,**kwargs)) return CS
mean_contour_cmap= matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap('mc_cmap', {'red' : ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 0.0, 0.0)), 'green' : ((0.0, 0.3, 0.3), (1.0, 0.3, 0.3)), 'blue' : ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 0.0, 0.0)), 'alpha' : ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 0.75, 0.75))}) # Plot ensemble mean contours, using transparency as an uncertainty indicator
[docs]def plot_mean_spread(ax,pe,**kwargs): """Plots a variable as a contour plot. Plots contours of the mean of an ensemble, mark uncertainty by fading out the contours where the ensemble spread is large. Args: ax (:obj:`cartopy.mpl.geoaxes.GeoAxes`): Axes on which to draw. pe (:obj:`iris.cube.Cube`): Variable to plot.- must have dimensions <ensemble_dimension>, 'latitude' and 'longitude'. Keyword Args: ensemble_dimension (:obj:`float`): name of the ensemble dimension. Defaults to 'member'. resolution (:obj:`float`): What lat:lon resolution (in degrees) to interpolate to before plotting. Defaults to None - use original resolution. colors (see :mod:`matplotlib.colors`) contour line colour. Defaults to 'black'. linewidths (:obj:`float`): Line width for contour lines. Defaults to 0.2. label (:obj:`bool`): Label contour lines? Defaults to False. cmap (:obj:`matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap`): Mapping of to plot colour. Defaults to blackblack semi-transparent. threshold (:obj:`float`): Ranges shown are regions where the probability that a contour line passes through the region is greater than this. Defaults to 0.05 (5%). vmax (:obj:`float`): Show as 'most likely', regions where the prob of a contour is greater than this Defaults to 0.4 (40%). line_threshold (:obj:`float`): Only draw contours where the local standard deviation is less than this. Defaults to None - draw contours everywhere. alpha (:obj:`float`): Colour alpha blend. Defaults to 1 (opaque). fontsize (:obj:`int`): Font size for contour labels. Defaults to 12. zorder (:obj:`float`): Standard matplotlib parameter determining which things are plotted on top (high zorder), and which underneath (low zorder), Defaults to 40. label (:obj:`bool`): Label contour lines? Defaults to True. Returns: See :meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.contour` - also adds the lines to the plot. | """ kwargs.setdefault('label' ,True) kwargs.setdefault('ensemble_dimension','member') kwargs.setdefault('resolution' ,None) kwargs.setdefault('scale' ,1.0) kwargs.setdefault('cmap' ,mean_contour_cmap) kwargs.setdefault('colors' ,'black') kwargs.setdefault('alpha' ,1.0) kwargs.setdefault('linewidths' ,0.5) kwargs.setdefault('fontsize' ,12) kwargs.setdefault('levels' ,numpy.arange(870,1050,10)) kwargs.setdefault('threshold' ,0.05) kwargs.setdefault('vmax' ,0.4) kwargs.setdefault('line_threshold' ,None) kwargs.setdefault('zorder' ,40)*kwargs.get('scale') pe_m=pe.collapsed(kwargs.get('ensemble_dimension'), iris.analysis.MEAN) pe_s=pe.collapsed(kwargs.get('ensemble_dimension'), iris.analysis.STD_DEV) if kwargs.get('resolution') is not None: plot_cube=utils.dummy_cube(ax,kwargs.get('resolution')) pe_m=pe_m.regrid(plot_cube,iris.analysis.Linear()) pe_s=pe_s.regrid(plot_cube,iris.analysis.Linear()) # Estimate, at each point, the probability that a contour goes through it. pe_u = pe_m.copy()*0.0 pe_t = pe_u.copy() for level in kwargs.get('levels'):, # Plot this probability as a colormap lats = pe_u.coord('latitude').points lons = pe_u.coord('longitude').points u_img=ax.pcolorfast(lons, lats,, cmap=kwargs.get('cmap'), vmin=kwargs.get('threshold')/2.0-0.01, vmax=kwargs.get('vmax'), zorder=kwargs.get('zorder')-1) # Generate the mean contour lines, but don't draw them (linewidth=0) CS=ax.contour(lons, lats,, colors=kwargs.get('colors'), linewidths=0, alpha=kwargs.get('alpha'), levels=kwargs.get('levels'), zorder=kwargs.get('zorder')) # Label the mean contours - transparency dependent on spread interpolator = iris.analysis.Linear().interpolator(pe_s, ['latitude', 'longitude']) if kwargs.get('label'): cl=ax.clabel(CS, inline=1, fontsize=kwargs.get('fontsize'), fmt='%d', zorder=kwargs.get('zorder')+1) if kwargs.get('line_threshold') is not None: for label in cl: pos=label.get_position() local_spread=interpolator([pos[1],pos[0]]).data alpha_s=numpy.sqrt(max(0.04,1-local_spread/ kwargs.get('line_threshold'))) label.set_alpha(kwargs.get('alpha')*alpha_s) # Draw the mean contours, with transparency dependent on spread base_col=matplotlib.colors.colorConverter.to_rgb(kwargs.get('colors')) for collection in CS.collections: segments=collection.get_segments() for segment in segments: for idx in range(segment.shape[0]-1): alpha_s=1 if kwargs.get('line_threshold') is not None: local_spread=interpolator( [(segment[idx,1]+segment[idx+1,1])/2.0, (segment[idx,0]+segment[idx+1,0])/2.0]).data alpha_s=numpy.sqrt(max(0.04,1-local_spread/ kwargs.get('line_threshold'))) clr=(base_col[0], base_col[1], base_col[2],kwargs.get('alpha')*alpha_s) ax.add_line(matplotlib.lines.Line2D( xdata=segment[idx:(idx+2),0], ydata=segment[idx:(idx+2),1], linestyle='solid', linewidth=kwargs.get('linewidths'), color=clr, zorder=kwargs.get('zorder'))) return CS
# Plot pressure
[docs]def plot(ax,pe,**kwargs): """Plot pressure. Generic function for plotting pressure. Use the 'type' argument to choose the plot style. Args: ax (:obj:`cartopy.mpl.geoaxes.GeoAxes`): Axes on which to draw. pe (:obj:`iris.cube.Cube`): Variable to plot - must have dimensions 'latitude' and 'longitude'. Keyword Args: type (:obj:`str`): Style to plot. Options are:'contour' (default), which delegates plotting to :meth:`plot_contour`, 'spaghetti', which delegates plotting to :meth:`plot_spaghetti_contour`, 'spread', which delegates plotting to :meth:`plot_mean_spread`. Other keyword arguments are passed to the style-specific plotting function. Returns: See :meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.contour` - Also adds the lines to the plot. | """ kwargs.setdefault('type','contour') if kwargs.get('type')=='contour': return plot_contour(ax,pe,**kwargs) if kwargs.get('type')=='spaghetti': return plot_spaghetti_contour(ax,pe,**kwargs) if kwargs.get('type')=='spread': return plot_mean_spread(ax,pe,**kwargs) raise Exception('Unsupported pressure plot type %s' % kwargs.get('type'))
[docs]def make_label_hints(ax,CS): """Make hints for the contour label placement algorithm - these stabilise the positions of the contour labels between frames in videos. They don't eliminate the problem of jittery and flickering contour labels, but they do help. Args: ax (:obj:`cartopy.mpl.geoaxes.GeoAxes`): Axes on which to draw. CS (:obj:`matplotlib.contour.ContourSet`): Contours to be labeled. Returns: iterable of (x,y) tuples - each a position hint for a label. | """ label_locations=[] buffer=(ax.get_extent()[1]-ax.get_extent()[0])/20.0 for collection in CS.collections: segments=collection.get_segments() for segment in segments: left_edge=None right_edge=None bottom_edge=None top_edge=None bottom_point=None # Find a suitable spot to label the segment for si in range(len(segment)): if (left_edge is None) and (si>0): if ((segment[si][0]>=(ax.get_extent()[0]+buffer)) and (segment[si-1][0]<(ax.get_extent()[0]+buffer))): weight=((segment[si][0]-(ax.get_extent()[0]+buffer))/ (segment[si][0]-segment[si-1][0])) left_edge=(ax.get_extent()[0]+buffer, segment[si][1]+ (segment[si][1]-segment[si-1][1])*weight) if (left_edge is None) and (si<(len(segment)-1)): if ((segment[si][0]>=(ax.get_extent()[0]+buffer)) and (segment[si+1][0]<(ax.get_extent()[0]+buffer))): weight=((segment[si][0]-(ax.get_extent()[0]+buffer))/ (segment[si][0]-segment[si+1][0])) left_edge=(ax.get_extent()[0]+buffer, segment[si][1]+ (segment[si][1]-segment[si+1][1])*weight) if (right_edge is None) and (si>0): if ((segment[si][0]>=(ax.get_extent()[1]-buffer)) and (segment[si-1][0]<(ax.get_extent()[1]-buffer))): weight=((segment[si][0]-(ax.get_extent()[1]-buffer))/ (segment[si][0]-segment[si-1][0])) right_edge=(ax.get_extent()[1]-buffer, segment[si][1]+ (segment[si][1]-segment[si-1][1])*weight) if (right_edge is None) and (si<(len(segment)-1)): if ((segment[si][0]>=(ax.get_extent()[1]-buffer)) and (segment[si+1][0]<(ax.get_extent()[1]-buffer))): weight=((segment[si][0]-(ax.get_extent()[1]-buffer))/ (segment[si][0]-segment[si+1][0])) right_edge=(ax.get_extent()[1]-buffer, segment[si][1]+ (segment[si][1]-segment[si+1][1])*weight) if (bottom_edge is None) and (si>0): if ((segment[si][1]>=(ax.get_extent()[2]+buffer)) and (segment[si-1][1]<(ax.get_extent()[2]+buffer))): weight=((segment[si][1]-(ax.get_extent()[2]+buffer))/ (segment[si][1]-segment[si-1][1])) bottom_edge=(segment[si][0]+ (segment[si][0]-segment[si-1][0])*weight, ax.get_extent()[2]+buffer) if (bottom_edge is None) and (si<(len(segment)-1)): if ((segment[si][1]>=(ax.get_extent()[2]+buffer)) and (segment[si+1][1]<(ax.get_extent()[2]+buffer))): weight=((segment[si][1]-(ax.get_extent()[2]+buffer))/ (segment[si][1]-segment[si+1][1])) bottom_edge=(segment[si][0]+ (segment[si][0]-segment[si+1][0])*weight, ax.get_extent()[2]+buffer) if (top_edge is None) and (si>0): if ((segment[si][1]>=(ax.get_extent()[3]-buffer)) and (segment[si-1][1]<(ax.get_extent()[3]-buffer))): weight=((segment[si][1]-(ax.get_extent()[3]-buffer))/ (segment[si][1]-segment[si-1][1])) top_edge=(segment[si][0]+ (segment[si][0]-segment[si-1][0])*weight, ax.get_extent()[3]-buffer) if (top_edge is None) and (si<(len(segment)-1)): if ((segment[si][1]>=(ax.get_extent()[3]-buffer)) and (segment[si+1][1]<(ax.get_extent()[3]-buffer))): weight=((segment[si][1]-(ax.get_extent()[3]-buffer))/ (segment[si][1]-segment[si+1][1])) top_edge=(segment[si][0]+ (segment[si][0]-segment[si+1][0])*weight, ax.get_extent()[3]-buffer) if bottom_point is None or segment[si][1]<bottom_point[1]: bottom_point=(segment[si][0],segment[si][1]) if left_edge is not None: label_locations.append(left_edge) if right_edge is not None: label_locations.append(right_edge) if left_edge is None and right_edge is None: if bottom_edge is not None: label_locations.append(bottom_edge) if top_edge is not None: label_locations.append(top_edge) if bottom_edge is None and top_edge is None: label_locations.append(bottom_point) return label_locations