Generic model specification fileΒΆ
To instantiate a specific ML model, from the generic model design, we provide the inputs, outputs, and hyperparameters in a specification file.
To create a specific model, copy this file and the training script ( to a new directory, and modify the inputs, outputs, and hyperparameters as needed.
# Specification of the model
# As far as possible, everything specific to the model should be in here
# Then the model spec. and dataset input scripts can be generic.
# Follow the instructions in to use this.
import tensorflow as tf
specification = {}
specification["modelName"] = "Default"
specification["inputTensors"] = (
specification["outputTensors"] = (
) # If None, same as input
specification["outputNames"] = ["T2m", "MSLP", "Precip"] # For printout
specification["nInputChannels"] = len(specification["inputTensors"])
if specification["outputTensors"] is not None:
specification["nOutputChannels"] = len(specification["outputTensors"])
specification["nOutputChannels"] = specification["nInputChannels"]
specification["startYear"] = None # Start and end years of training period
specification["endYear"] = None # (if None, use all available)
specification["testSplit"] = 11 # Keep back test case every n months
# Can use less than all the data (for testing)
specification["maxTrainingMonths"] = None
specification["maxTestMonths"] = None
# What to do if there is more than one field/month
specification["maxEnsembleCombinations"] = (
5 # Every possible combination of ensembles can get large
specification["correlatedEnsembles"] = (
False # Ensemble member 1 in source 1 matches member 1 in source 2
# Fit parameters
specification["nMonthsInEpoch"] = (
None # Length of an epoch - if None, use all the data once
specification["nEpochs"] = 50 # How many epochs to train for
specification["shuffleBufferSize"] = 1000 # Buffer size for shuffling
specification["batchSize"] = 32 # Arbitrary
specification["beta"] = 0.05 # Weighting factor for KL divergence of latent space
specification["gamma"] = 0.000 # Weighting factor for KL divergence of output
specification["maxGradient"] = 5 # Numerical instability protection
# Output control
specification["printInterval"] = (
1 # How often to print metrics and save weights (epochs)
# Optimization
specification["trainCache"] = (
True # True will be faster, but needs a *lot* of RAM (try 100Gb)
specification["testCache"] = (
True # True will be faster, but needs a *lot* of RAM (try 100Gb)
# Mask to specify a subset of data to train on
specification["trainingMask"] = None # Train on all data