Source code for Meteorographica.observations.plot

import cartopy
import as ccrs
import matplotlib
import pandas

[docs]def plot_patches(ax,obs,**kwargs): """Plot observations as points. Args: ax (:obj:`cartopy.mpl.geoaxes.GeoAxes`): Axes on which to draw. obs (:obj:`pandas.DataFrame`): Data frame containing obs positions. Keyword Args: obs_projection (:obj:``): Projection in which observations latitudes and longitudes are defined. Default is :class:``. lat_label (:obj:`str`): Key, in the obs dataframe, of the latitude data. Defaults to 'Latitude'. lon_label (:obj:`str`): Key, in the obs dataframe, of the longitude data. Defaults to 'Longitude'. radius (:obj:`float`): Radius of circle marking each ob. (degrees). Defaults to 1. facecolor (see :mod:`matplotlib.colors`): Main colour of the circle to be plotted for each ob. Defaults to 'yellow'. edgecolor (see :mod:`matplotlib.colors`): Border colour of the circle to be plotted for each ob. Defaults to 'black'. alpha (:obj:`float`): Alpha value for facecolor and edgecolor. Defaults to 0.85. Will be multiplied by the observation weight if present. zorder (:obj:`float`): Standard matplotlib parameter determining which things are plotted on top (high zorder), and which underneath (low zorder), Defaults to 25. Returns: Nothing - adds the obs. points to the plot. | """ kwargs.setdefault('obs_projection',ccrs.PlateCarree()) kwargs.setdefault('lat_label' , 'Latitude') kwargs.setdefault('lon_label' , 'Longitude') kwargs.setdefault('radius' , 1) kwargs.setdefault('facecolor' , 'yellow') kwargs.setdefault('edgecolor' , 'black') kwargs.setdefault('alpha' , 0.85) kwargs.setdefault('zorder' , 25) rp=ax.projection.transform_points(kwargs.get('obs_projection'), obs[kwargs.get('lon_label')].values, obs[kwargs.get('lat_label')].values) new_longitude=rp[:,0] new_latitude=rp[:,1] # Plot each ob as a circle for i in range(0,len(new_longitude)): weight=1.0 if 'weight' in obs.columns: weight=obs['weight'].values[i] ax.add_patch(matplotlib.patches.Circle((new_longitude[i], new_latitude[i]), radius=kwargs.get('radius'), facecolor=kwargs.get('facecolor'), edgecolor=kwargs.get('edgecolor'), alpha=kwargs.get('alpha')*weight, zorder=kwargs.get('zorder')))
# Plot observations
[docs]def plot(ax,obs,**kwargs): """Plot observations. Generic function for plotting observations. Use the 'type' argument to choose the plot style. Args: ax (:obj:`cartopy.mpl.geoaxes.GeoAxes`): Axes on which to draw. obs (:obj:`pandas.DataFrame`): Dataframe containing obs positions. Kwargs: type (:obj:`str`, optional): Style to plot. Only option is: 'patches', (default) which delegates plotting to :meth:`plot_patches`. Other keyword arguments are passed to the style-specific plotting function. Returns: Nothing - adds the obs. points to the plot. | """ kwargs.setdefault('type','patches') if kwargs.get('type')=='patches': return plot_patches(ax,obs,**kwargs) raise Exception('Unsupported observations plot type %s' % kwargs.get('type'))